
The Switch component is used as an alternative for the checkbox component.


import { Switch } from "@recastui/react";


Editable Example
<Switch label='Switch' />


Editable Example
<div className='flex space-x-5 direction-row'>
<Switch disabled label='Switch'/>
<Switch disabled defaultChecked label='Switch'/>


Use the color props to override the checked background color scheme of the Switch to any color key specified in the Theme. Default color is main.

Editable Example
<div className="space-y-2">Stateful colors:</div>
<div className="grid gap-2 grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-5 mb-2">
<Switch color='error' defaultChecked label='error'/>
<Switch color='info' defaultChecked label='info'/>
<Switch color='success' defaultChecked label='success'/>
<Switch color='warning' defaultChecked label='warning'/>
<div className="space-y-2">All other colors:</div>
<div className="grid gap-2 grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-5">
<Switch color='tomato' defaultChecked label='tomato'/>
<Switch color='red' defaultChecked label='red'/>
<Switch color='crimson' defaultChecked label='crimson'/>
<Switch color='pink' defaultChecked label='pink'/>
<Switch color='plum' defaultChecked label='plum'/>
<Switch color='purple' defaultChecked label='purple'/>
<Switch color='violet' defaultChecked label='violet'/>
<Switch color='indigo' defaultChecked label='indigo'/>
<Switch color='blue' defaultChecked label='blue'/>
<Switch color='cyan' defaultChecked label='cyan'/>
<Switch color='teal' defaultChecked label='teal'/>
<Switch color='green' defaultChecked label='green'/>
<Switch color='grass' defaultChecked label='grass'/>
<Switch color='orange' defaultChecked label='orange'/>
<Switch color='brown' defaultChecked label='brown'/>
<Switch color='sky' defaultChecked label='sky'/>
<Switch color='mint' defaultChecked label='mint'/>
<Switch color='yellow' defaultChecked label='yellow'/>
<Switch color='amber' defaultChecked label='amber'/>
<Switch color='gold' defaultChecked label='gold'/>
<Switch color='bronze' defaultChecked label='bronze'/>


Editable Example
<Switch error label='error' />


Use the rounded prop to add rounded corners for the Switch component.

Editable Example
<div className='space-y-2'>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} rounded='xs' label='Rounded xs'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} rounded='sm' label='Rounded sm'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} rounded='md' label='Rounded md'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} rounded='lg' label='Rounded lg'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} rounded='full' label='Rounded full'/>


The Switch component comes with 3 sizes.

Editable Example
<div className='space-y-2'>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} name='size' size='sm' label='Tea'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} name='size' size='base' label='Tea'/>
<Switch labelProps={{fullWidth: true}} name='size' size='lg' label='Tea'/>