
Skeleton is used to display the loading state of some component.


import { Skeleton } from "@recastui/react";


Editable Example
<div className='space-y-3'>
<Skeleton />
<Skeleton />
<Skeleton />

Or to wrap another component to take the same height and width.

Editable Example
<div>contents wrapped</div>
<div>won't be visible</div>

Height and Width

You can change the height and/or width of the Skeleton component by using the h and w props. The h and w props accept TailwindCSS height and width values. You can also use the full value to set the height or width to 100%. Default height is 4 and default width is full.

Editable Example
<div className='space-y-3'>
<Skeleton h='32' w='32' />
<Skeleton />
<Skeleton />
<Skeleton w='3/4'/>


You can set the Skeleton component to have a circular shape by using the circle prop.

Editable Example
<div className='space-y-3'>
<Skeleton h='32' w='32' circle />
<Skeleton />
<Skeleton />


You can set the Skeleton component to be in the loaded state by using the isLoaded prop.

Editable Example
<Skeleton isLoaded>
<div>contents wrapped</div>
<div>won't be visible</div>


PropTypeDefault ValueDescription
isLoadedboolean (optional)falseDetermines if the component is in the loaded state or not.
circlebooleanfalseWhen set to true, the Skeleton component will have a circular shape.
h‘1’ | ‘2’ | ‘3’ | ‘4’ | ‘5’ | ‘6’ | ‘7’ | ‘8’ | ‘9’ | ‘10’ | ‘11’ | ‘12’ | ‘14’ | ‘16’ | ‘20’ | ‘24’ | ‘28’ | ‘32’ | ‘36’ | ‘40’ | ‘44’ | ‘48’ | ‘52’ | ‘56’ | ‘60’ | ‘64’ | ‘72’ | ‘80’ | ‘96’ | ‘1/2’ | ‘1/3’ | ‘2/3’ | ‘1/4’ | ‘3/4’ | ‘1/5’ | ‘2/5’ | ‘3/5’ | ‘4/5’ | ‘full’‘4’Sets the height of the skeleton. Choose from predefined TailwindCSS heights, fractions, or ‘full’ for full height.
w‘1’ | ‘2’ | ‘3’ | ‘4’ | ‘5’ | ‘6’ | ‘7’ | ‘8’ | ‘9’ | ‘10’ | ‘11’ | ‘12’ | ‘14’ | ‘16’ | ‘20’ | ‘24’ | ‘28’ | ‘32’ | ‘36’ | ‘40’ | ‘44’ | ‘48’ | ‘52’ | ‘56’ | ‘60’ | ‘64’ | ‘72’ | ‘80’ | ‘96’ | ‘1/2’ | ‘1/3’ | ‘2/3’ | ‘1/4’ | ‘3/4’ | ‘1/5’ | ‘2/5’ | ‘3/5’ | ‘4/5’ | ‘full’‘full’Sets the width of the skeleton. Choose from predefined TailwindCSS widths, fractions, or ‘full’ for full width.
classNamestring (optional)Additional class names to apply.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe content of the Skeleton component