
Breadcrumbs is a navigation pattern that helps users understand the hierarchy of a website.

RecastUI provides 4 components for implementing breadcrumbs navigation:

  • Breadcrumb: The parent container for breadcrumbs.
  • BreadcrumbItem: Individual breadcrumb element containing a link and a divider.
  • BreadcrumbLink: The breadcrumb link.
  • BreadcrumbSeparator: The visual separator between each breadcrumb.


import {
} from "@recastui/react";


Add isCurrentPage prop to the BreadcrumbItem that matches the current path. When this prop is present, the BreadcrumbLink renders a span with aria-current set to page instead of an anchor element.

Editable Example
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Home</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Docs</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbItem isCurrentPage>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Breadcrumb</BreadcrumbLink>


Change the separator used in the breadcrumb by passing a string, like - or an icon.

Editable Example
<Breadcrumb separator='-'>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Home</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>About</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbItem isCurrentPage>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Contact</BreadcrumbLink>

Using an icon as the separator

Editable Example
<Breadcrumb separator={<IconChevronRight width={14} height={14} />}>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Home</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>About</BreadcrumbLink>
<BreadcrumbItem isCurrentPage>
<BreadcrumbLink href='#'>Contact</BreadcrumbLink>


classNamestring (optional)Additional CSS classes to apply to the component.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe children of the Breadcrumb component.
separatorReact.ReactNode (optional)The visual separator between each breadcrumb item. Default is ’/‘.
isCurrentPageboolean (optional)If true, the BreadcrumbLink renders a span with aria-current set to ‘page’.
classNamestring (optional)Additional CSS classes to apply to the component.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe children of the BreadcrumbItem component.
separatorReact.ReactNode (optional)The visual separator between each breadcrumb item. Pass from Breadcrumb.
isLastChildboolean (optional)If true, the BreadcrumbSeparator is not rendered.
asReact.ElementType (optional)The element type to render as, useful when using a routing library. Default is ‘a’.
classNamestring (optional)Additional CSS classes to apply to the component.
isCurrentPageboolean (optional)If true, the BreadcrumbLink renders a span with aria-current set to ‘page’.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe children of the BreadcrumbLink component.
classNamestring (optional)Additional CSS classes to apply to the component.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe children of the BreadcrumbSeparator component, usually the separator character.


The Breadcrumb components have been designed with accessibility in mind, following best practices to ensure they are usable by a wide range of users.

Landmark and ARIA attributes

  • The Breadcrumbs are rendered in a nav element to denote that it is a navigation landmark.
  • The Breadcrumb nav has aria-label set to ‘breadcrumb’ to provide a label for assistive technologies.
  • The BreadcrumbItem with isCurrentPage prop adds the aria-current="page" attribute to the BreadcrumbLink, indicating that it represents the current page.

Focus and Keyboard Navigation

  • The BreadcrumbLink components are focusable, allowing keyboard users to navigate through the breadcrumb links.
  • The BreadcrumbSeparator has role="presentation" set to denote that it is for presentation purposes only and should not be announced by screen readers.

By following these accessibility best practices, the Breadcrumb components ensure a more inclusive user experience.
